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Hi,Friends! It's 
Nicole Danielle!

Welcome to my life.

I'm a creative soul on a mission to shine
a little more light in the world.  I invite

you to take a look around & see if there's a way for us to brighten the lives of others, together!

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Life thru Lyrics

As a writer / producer / actor, I've always had a burning desire to share great stories with the world.  Over the past few years, I finally realized perhaps the most important stories I could ever share just happened to be my own. 


" We all have a song inside of us &

our stories are the lyrics of our lives." 

  - Nicole Danielle 


My recent project, the Life thru Lyrics book series is perhaps the most important creative work I've ever done.  And in part one: Diamonds Beneath the DarknessI openly share decades worth of experiences that contributed to what ultimately became the darkest time in my life​—when I wasn't quite sure if I'd ever make it back to the bright side.  In order to break free from the storm & reclaim my own light, I had to finally speak my truths—and the only reason I have had the courage to do so is because of my son.      

















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Available NOW in paperback, hardcover & eBook!

Audiobook coming summer 2024.


















To grab your copy of the #1 New Release Diamonds Beneath the Darkness, 

just click here: 





Writing part one has been one of the most emotionally challenging things I have ever done; to relive these stories over and over has not been easy—but I did it because I needed others to know they've never been alone in their experiences in life.  Someone has always been there; my voice just wasn't strong enough to speak up and tell you that until now.  


I promise, you haven't seen anything quite like my self-discovery memoir series, Life thru Lyrics.  To find out more, click this link & join me on "the journey to become.​

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Upcoming Author Events


In-Store Author Signing

Sat. April 13, 2024


Barnes & Noble
Fort Collins, CO

In-Store Author Signing

Sat. April 20, 2024

Barnes & Noble
Loveland, CO

In-Store Author Signing

Sat. May 25, 2014
Time: TBA

Barnes & Noble
Cheyenne, WY

In-Store Author Event

Fri. May 31, 2024

Tattered Cover
East Colfax
Denver, CO

In-Store Author Signing

Sun. June 2, 2024
Time: TBA

Barnes & Noble
Colorado Springs, CO

In-Store Author Signing


Barnes & Noble
Boulder, CO

Book Nicole!

To book Nicole for any author and/or speaker events, please email: 







As the Momma of two beautiful young boys who are on the autism spectrum, I'm not just an advocate but also a champion for authentic voices.  As someone who has spent most of her life being told I didn't have a voice or what I had to say didn't matter, life sure had a way of awakening my eyes

to a different narrative when I was blessed with my first miracle, my oldest son, Crosby, who

at 7 years old, is still identified as being "nonverbal."  Crosby has helped me see that there is a

greater purpose for all of thisand that everything is connected; I just had to quiet the noise of the outside world in order to understand


My Why for the creative work I'm doing in this season of my life is so my children know

they have a momma who will not just fight for them, nor herself, but for everyone out there

who needs the reminder that every voice, no matter how big or small, matters.  I need

Crosby & Wylder to know that no matter what the world tries to make them believe...

they matter, their voices matter, and they are so much more than the limitations others

want to put on them simply because they check the ASD boxor because people assume

they "can't," just because those same individuals have never had their eyes opened to a new

way of navigating the lives of individuals on the spectrum.  


For me, it's about reconnecting with one another through our human experiencesand the 

knowing that while not one person's journey in this life is the same, our stories are more

connected than we know.  


When you join us on the  Life thru Lyrics â€‹journey, you will discover for yourself just how 

connected it all really is.  But for now, I'll leave you with this little piece to comean excerpt

from the subchapter titled, "Little Voice."  

***Yes, as in the song playing in the video featuring myself & Crosby.


Thank You for being here.


With love & gratitude...​



p.s. for a glimpse into a very special project I'm working on with my boys, keep scrolling to the bottom of the page... 


click lower right corner for audio

​Diamonds Beneath the Darkness © Copyright 2023 by Nicole Danielle. All rights reserved.

"Little Voice"

"For most of my life, I allowed others to make me feel as though I had nothing to bring to the table. So, I just sat and listened. When you are continually talked at, you become silenced.


That is, until I became a mom to a beautiful little soul whose name is Crosby, who we also happen to call Croz, who just happens to be labeled as nonverbal and who also has autism. Having a child who is struggling to verbally speak with words is pretty much life writing me a hall pass to say to all the people who silenced me for so long, “It’s now time for you to shut up and listen!” And damn you for making me get permission in the first place. My son has given me back my voice, and because of him, life has given me the green light to finally speak.


My seven-year-old son is a constant reminder that I do have a voice and, with that, comes a responsibility to speak for those who cannot. That’s life showing me that I can use my voice in a way that connects with others beyond just words. As one of my exes once told me, “Words are just words; it’s people who give them meaning.” I have never heard my baby boy verbally say, “I love you, Mom,” though I constantly fantasize about what his voice would sound like. Yet even without words, I know how much he loves me because I can feel it beyond what three simple words could ever say.


I couldn’t have planned for that, but this is life. You choose to embrace it and adapt, or you end up spending a long time in a really dark place. I’ve seen that dark, even in what should have been the happiest of times—but it’s no place to live.


For decades, I have unwillingly found myself surrounded by people who had something to say when I didn’t want to hear it, but no one had anything valuable to say when I needed to hear it the most. The noise had gotten too loud, so I got to a point in my life where I was just tired of talking to people. Talking was more exhausting than life itself.


It’s not because I didn’t care about the people who wanted to talk to me. It’s just that I started to really see what “talk” was about. When I quieted the noise, I started to see the difference between people who really, truly listened to what I was saying and others who only heard what they wanted to hear. I got tired of trying to talk to people and only getting a blank stare or change of subject in return. So, I stopped talking to those people. I also got really tired of just being talked at. Some people walk this earth acting as if they know it all, like they know everything about everything even if they have no fucking clue. So, I stopped giving others the invisible microphone to do so. And I got really tired of providing water cooler conversations for others, especially to people who could never understand what I was going through, so I just stopped talking.


If you are someone in my life who I can sit with in complete silence, and still have an amazing conversation, you’re one of my people. If you can hear my cries without me telling you, you’re one of the true people in my world. My son has taught me this. He has taught me the art of existing within silence. He has shown me the beauty in looking beyond just hearing. And he has allowed me to appreciate strength in the quiet. It’s not about being the loudest in the room—the voice that isn’t commanding attention is usually the wisest voice; the one that doesn’t just hear but actually listens is the one that truly speaks. But that also doesn’t mean you should allow others to silence you, just because they can’t quiet themselves to hear what you have to say.


My entire life I thought it was a parent’s job to teach their child. But all Crosby has done since the moment he was placed in my arms has been to show me that he doesn’t exist to learn from this world—he’s here to teach the world how to live a more beautiful life. And what a powerful thing it is when you learn to quiet the noise of the outside world in order to truly listen to what the voice within is trying to say. It goes way beyond the spoken word. The ability to speak, and be heard, is taken for granted so easily.


For so long, I didn’t speak. But because of my son, I finally will.


Crosby Royce,
I love you to the depths of my soul.
Thank you for choosing me in this lifetime.

All of this to come is because of you."


Dare to Dream (Boxes) 

The best gift anyone could ever give me is letting me know they believe in me—like true, deeply rooted, soul vibrations and positive energy felt kind of knowing that you believe in me.  That is what lights my heart on fire. 

I used to be the biggest dreamer you'd probably ever met.  No joke.  When I was a beauty queen, at 10 years old my pageant motto was "Believe in yourself & your dreams will come true."  When I was 20 years old, I would create beautiful "Dream Boxes" for the closest people in my life so they always knew there was someone in the world who believed in their dreams.  And then, I got a tattoo on the back of my neck, in my handwriting, that says Dare to Dream.  Yet, along the way I lost sight of what it meant to have big dreams because, well, I allowed the world to dim that bright light after constantly being told to "get my head out of the clouds."  

As I've said, everything is connected, and because of my children, I'm learning to reclaim my light & free the dreamer in me who has been locked up for way too long.  

Having children who will most likely never have interest in running an over-priced lemonade stand nor have the life skills to mow the neighbor's lawn for their first dabble in entrepreneurship, I knew I had to do something, create something so that my boys know they always have a place in this world and have every ability to help spread love & kindness to others...
and what better way to do that than letting others know we believe in them.  
We believe in their abilities.  
We believe in their voices.  
We believe they can do anything, even if they have to do it their own way.  
We believe in their dreams.  
Even if you got a little lost along the way, you can dream again.

Crosby, Wylder & I are bringing back dreamingand we're doing it together.  

Yes, our little project helps them tap into their creativity, work on their fine motor skills and learn how to work together as a team, but it is so much more than that.
Not only are we creating special,
 one-of-a-kind "Dream
Boxes" to gift others the
 freedom to dream, we're on a
mission to help
 make dreams come true.

Just as not one person is the same, not one dream is the same
some dreams may seem really big and others seem small
but every dream means
 something to someone.  And we
couldn't think of
 a better way to show others we care than
 our part to help make their dreams come true by
offering a variety of sizes, each made from the heart.   

As a family, one of our small dreams is to help others remember the importance of having dreams & the knowing that there people out there who believe in them.

Had I done this 20 years ago, the purpose wouldn't have been the same.  But now, because of my boys and my need to help create the most beautiful life for them and help inspire others to, at any age, keep dreaming—it's just another layer to how connected all of this is.   

I have to believe the love we can give to others and the gift of them knowing we believe in them can help make a positive impact on the world.  One dream at a time—together we can change the world. 

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p.s. We believe in you... 

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